

At the first appointment, we will review your medical history, general health and after a general baseline examination schedule you and your partner for some preliminary set of investigations. It would be advisable to carry any of your previous blood reports, sonographies or any other consultation papers which may or may not even pertain to your current illness.

Certain hints which will assist us to treat you better would be that at an initial visit you give a detailed and an accurate history. Carry all your gynaecology reports and any other surgical records. Bring along your menstrual calendar and dates and patterns of your previous menstrual cycles which may assist us in making certain diagnosis pertaining to ovulatory dysfunctions. We appreciate that by the time you walk through our doors, you may have been dealing with infertility for months, or even years. It is a big step to begin the process of evaluation and treatment; therefore, your first visit here is an important day.


It is not uncommon to feel excited and hopeful at the prospect of getting pregnant, while at the same time nervous because you don’t know what to expect or fearful that treatment may not work, if you have any difficulties or questions in the due course of consultations please voice them out as you are in the driver’s seat. The most important aspect of the first consult is to make sure that you are healthy for a healthy pregnancy. Gynafem is tied up with the SRL laboratory which is NABL accredited and India’s Most trusted laboratory. The blood investigations can be done at the first consult along with 3D/4D ultrasound at the same seating along with our state-of-the-art Andrology laboratory, semen testing can be done, so all the evaluation done at the single step clinic which makes us the complete gynaec and fertility solutions clinic.

There may be a certain set of investigations which may be prescribed for the basic workup for infertility. These tests include an array of:

  • Female hormone profiles to assess the ovarian reserve like day 2 Serum FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) levels and Serum AMH (Antimullerian hormone) levels.

  • ultrasound scan of the pelvis to rule out any structural abnormalities and to also assess the ovarian reserve by the means of antral follicle counts.

  • Male semen analysis for sperm counts, motility and morphology.

  • Tubes patency testing by either HSG(hysterosalphingography) or Hycosy.

  • Virology and infection screening.

  • Basic hormonal profiles including Thyroid and Prolactin levels.

  • Rubella immunity screening.


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